阳小飞,博士,教授,硕士生导师。在包括Science,Neuron,PNAS,EMBO Rep,J Neurosci等国际著名期刊在内的各类SCI收录期刊中发表文章20余篇。主持多项国家自然科学基金、湖北省自然科学基金。先后入选湖北省“楚天学者计划”(楚天学子)、国家民委中青年英才计划及湖北省优秀青年骨干人才计划。目前主要运用分子/生化,遗传学,电生理和光学等手段,在生理和病理情况下研究神经系统细胞信号跨膜传导的时空调节机制,研究重点包括神经递质释放分子机制,神经突触形成与调节机理,神经网络发育调控,药物镇痛机制等。研究成果为诊断、治疗重大神经性疾病提供生物学基础。
迄今为止,阳老师参与撰写的21篇学术论文在Science、Neuron、PNAS、JNeurosci、EMBOJ等期刊上发表,其中以第一作者和同等贡献第一作者身份发表文章13篇。其发表文章总引用次数近500次,其中他引300多次。自2013年到学校工作以来,阳老师以第一作者或通讯作者身份先后在Neuron、PNAS、EMBO Rep、Sci Rep、Protein Cell、PIBB等国际著名期刊上发表论文10篇。
1. Xiaofei Yang*, Yea Jin Kaeser-Woo*, Zhiping P. Pang, Wei Xu, Thomas C. Südhof. Complexin Clamps Asynchronous Release by Blocking a Secondary Ca2+-Sensor via its Accessory -Helix. Neuron. 2010 Dec 9:68,907-920.
2. Xiaofei Yang, Peng Cao, Thomas C. Südhof. Deconstructing Complexin function in activating and clamping Ca2+-triggered exocytosis by comparing knockout and knockdown phenotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Dec 17;110(51):20777-82.
3. Zhiping P. Pang*, Taulant Bacaj*, Xiaofei Yang*, Peng Zhou, Wei Xu, Thomas C. Südhof. Doc2 supports spontaneous synaptic transmission by a Ca2+-independent mechanism. Neuron. 2011 Apr 28:70,244-251. (*co-first author)
4. Konark Mukherjee*, Xiaofei Yang*, Stefan H. Gerberb*, Hyung-Bae Kwonc, Angela Hob, Pablo E. Castilloc, Xinran Liub, Thomas C. Südhof. Piccolo and bassoon maintain synaptic vesicle clustering without directly participating in vesicle exocytosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 6;107(14):6504-9. (*co-first author)
5. Peng Zhou*, Taulant Bacaj*, Xiaofei Yang*, Zhiping P. Pang, Thomas C. Südhof. Lipid-Anchored SNAREs Lacking Transmembrane Regions Fully Support Membrane Fusion during Neurotransmitter Release. Neuron. 2013 Oct 16;80(2):470-83.(*co-first author)
6. Yea Jin Kaeser-Woo*, Xiaofei Yang*, Thomas C. Südhof. C-Terminal Complexin Sequence Is Selectively Required for Clamping and Priming But Not for Ca2+ Triggering of Synaptic Exocytosis. J Neurosci, 2012 Feb 22;32(8):2877-85. (*co-first author)
7. Xiaofei Yang#, Dongmei Hou, Wei Jiang, Chen Zhang. Intercellular protein-protein interactions at synapses. Protein Cell. 2014 Jun;5(6):420-44. (#co-correspondence author)
8. Chen Zhang and Xiaofei Yang.(Editors) "The physiology and pathology of synaptic cell adhesion molecules" Research on Cytopathology.