



Open Access Article

International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (3) ; 91-93 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.imrf.20220116.

Clinical effect of physical therapy combined with exercise rehabilitation on acute rotator cuff injury

作者: 蒋祎萌 *

吉林医药学院附属医院 吉林吉林

*通讯作者: 蒋祎萌,单位:吉林医药学院附属医院 吉林吉林;

发布时间: 2022-08-30 总浏览量: 523


目的 探究物理疗法+运动康复治疗在急性肩袖损伤疾病中的临床效果。方法 文章研究人员选取时间2020年11月到2022年3月,选自院内骨科病人共60人,随机分成使用物理疗法+运动康复的联合组、使用单一物理疗法的对照组,每组受试患者30人,比对组内患者治疗有效率和肩袖损伤UCLA评分情况。结果 联合组肩袖损伤患者UCLA总体评分明显高出对照组(P<0.05);联合组治疗方法显效人数和总有效率(96.67)明显超过对照组(P<0.05)。结论 急性肩袖损伤病情进展较快,早期应用物理+运动康复疗法可以明显提升患者的肩关节功能,综合疗效远超于单一治疗。

关键词: 急性肩袖损伤;物理疗法;运动康复;治疗效果


Objective To explore the clinical effect of physical therapy+exercise rehabilitation in acute rotator cuff injury.
Methods the article researchers selected 60 orthopedic patients from the hospital from November 2020 to March 2022, and randomly divided them into the combined group using physical therapy+ exercise rehabilitation and the control group using single physical therapy. There were 30 patients in each group. The treatment efficiency and UCLA score of rotator cuff injury of patients in the group were compared.
Results the overall UCLA score of patients with rotator cuff injury in the combined group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05); The number of significantly effective patients and total effective rate (96.67) in the combined group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   the progress of acute rotator cuff injury is rapid. Early application of physical+motor rehabilitation therapy can significantly improve the shoulder function of patients, and the comprehensive effect is far better than that of single treatment.

Key words: Acute rotator cuff injury; Physical therapy; Exercise rehabilitation; Treatment effect

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