



Open Access Article

International Medical Research Frontier. 2025; 9: (2) ; 1-10 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.imrf.20250008.

The importance of accurate positioning of the bevel direction of the needle tip for facial injection beauty and anti-aging

作者: 易品1, 林绍文2, 黄丽华3, 易生彬4 *, 邓志军4 *

1 湖北医药学院 湖北十堰

2 广西千美医疗美容 广西南宁

3 南宁星范医疗美容 广西南宁

4 洪湖市中医医院 湖北荆州

*通讯作者: 易生彬,单位: 洪湖市中医医院 湖北荆州;邓志军,单位: 洪湖市中医医院 湖北荆州;

发布时间: 2025-03-10 总浏览量: 545



关键词: 面部注射美容;针尖斜面方向;精准定位;分层抗衰;临床应用


In the ever-evolving landscape of aesthetic medicine, the precision of facial injection techniques has emerged as a cornerstone of successful anti-aging treatments. This review delves into thecritical importance of accurately positioning the needle's bevel direction during facial injections, a nuance often overlooked yet profoundly impactful. The anatomical intricacies of the face, from the epidermis to the underlying musculature, necessitate a layered approach to rejuvenation. By meticulously aligning the needle's bevel, practitioners can ensure optimal product dispersion, enhancing both the efficacy and longevity of the treatment. The biological mechanisms underlying injectable therapies, such as dermal fillers and neuromodulators, are explored with a keen focus on how directional precision can amplify their effects. Clinical case studies illustrate the stark contrast between treatments executed with and without bevel orientation awareness, revealing a marked improvement in patient outcomes. The integration of advanced imaging technologies and innovative injection techniques further underscores the transformative potential of this approach. As we stand on the precipice of new frontiers in aesthetic science, the call for heightened precision in facial injections resonates with both the historical evolution of cosmetic procedures and the contemporary demand for natural, yet impactful results. The future beckons with promises of even more sophisticated tools and methodologies, heralding a new era of personalized beauty.

Key words: Facial injection; Bevel direction; Anti-aging; Precision medicine; Aesthetic science

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