Open Access Article
International Medical Research Frontier. 2024; 8: (1) ; 29-31 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.imrf.20240007.
Effects of Tianmoxibustion combined with Yiqitongmai Decoction on carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and serum neurofactors (MBP, S100β) in patients with cerebral infarction (Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome)
王永东 *,
成都市双流区中医医院神经内科 四川成都
王永东,单位:成都市双流区中医医院神经内科 四川成都;
发布时间: 2024-06-28 总浏览量: 411
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目的 分析天灸联合益气通脉汤对脑梗死(气虚血瘀证)患者颈动脉内膜中层厚度(IMT)及血清神经因子(MBP、S100β)的影响。方法 该研究对象为2021年5月至2023年5月到医院诊治的脑梗死(气虚血瘀证)患者,入选对象共100例,按照随机数字表法分为对照组(常规治疗,共50例)与研究组(天灸+益气通脉汤治疗,共50例)。对比两组的IMT、斑块面积及血清神经因子。结果 在IMT、斑块面积、髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP)及中枢神经特异性淡白(S100β)上,研究组均低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 天灸联合益气通脉汤用于脑梗死(气虚血瘀证)患者的治疗效果确切,临床可进一步推广应用。
关键词: 脑梗死(气虚血瘀证);天灸;益气通脉汤;血清神经因子
Objective To analyze the effects of Tianmoxibustion combined with Yiqitongmai Decoction on carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and serum neurofactors (MBP, S100β) in patients with cerebral infarction (Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome). Methods The subjects of this study were cerebral infarction patients (qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome) treated in hospital from May 2021 to May 2023. A total of 100 patients were selected and divided into control group (conventional treatment, 50 cases) and study group (Tianmoxibustion + Yiqi Tongmai Decoction treatment, 50 cases) according to random number table method. The IMT, plaque area and serum neurofactors were compared between the two groups. Results The levels of IMT, plaque area, myelin basic protein (MBP) and central nerve specific light white (S100β) in study group were lower than those in control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Tianmoxibustion combined with Yiqitongmai Decoction is effective in the treatment of patients with cerebral infarction (qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome), and can be further popularized in clinic.
Key words: Cerebral infarction (Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome); Natural moxibustion; Yiqi Tongpulse decoction; Serum neurofactor
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