



Open Access Article

International Medical Research Frontier. 2023; 7: (1) ; 13-15 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.imrf.20230005.

The value of improving comprehensive nursing care to prevent hospital infection in neonates

作者: 姚佳 *

苏州市第九人民医院 江苏苏州

*通讯作者: 姚佳,单位:苏州市第九人民医院 江苏苏州;

发布时间: 2023-01-31 总浏览量: 368


目的 探究改良综合护理预防新生儿院内感染的临床效果和使用价值。方法 选取我院接收的新生儿82例,将其按照随机分组法分为对照组(41例,使用常规护理)和观察组(41例,使用改良综合护理)。对两组的护理效果进行分析。结果 两组新生儿在接受护理后均取得一定效果,但观察组在采用改良综合护理后,其护理质量评分、院内感染情况、家长满意度均优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在预防新生儿院内感染护理中,采用改良综合护理能取得较佳的效果,可提升护理质量,降低其院内感染率,提高家长满意度。

关键词: 新生儿;院内感染;改良综合护理


Objective To explore the clinical effect and application value of improved comprehensive nursing care in preventing hospital infection of neonates.
Methods 82 neonates received in our hospital were randomly divided into control group (41 cases, using conventional nursing) and observation group (41 cases, using improved comprehensive nursing). The nursing effects of the two groups were analyzed.
Results After receiving nursing care, the two groups of neonates achieved certain results, but the observation group was superior to the control group in nursing quality score, hospital infection and parental satisfaction after adopting improved comprehensive nursing care, with significant differences (P<0.05).
Conclusion   In the prevention of neonatal nosocomial infection nursing, improved comprehensive nursing can achieve better results, improve the quality of nursing, reduce the rate of nosocomial infection, and improve parental satisfaction.

Key words: Newborn; Nosocomial infection; Improved comprehensive care

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