Open Access Article
International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (6) ; 60-63 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.imrf.20220210.
Effect of psychological nursing on delivery mode and psychological state of parturients with prematurerupture of membranes
盛新中 *
苏州市第九人民医院 江苏苏州
盛新中,单位:苏州市第九人民医院 江苏苏州;
发布时间: 2022-11-23 总浏览量: 366
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目的 对心理护理干预措施在胎膜早破产妇中的应用效果进行探讨。方法 选取我院近2年(2020年2月-2022年3月)收治的胎膜早破产妇178例,回顾临床资料。把接受心理护理干预模式产妇设置为观察组(89例),把接受常规护理模式产妇设置为对照组(89例)。观察两组护理干预效果。结果 干预前后观察组产妇焦虑评分分别为(59.46±3.14)分、(25.14±2.16)分,对照组产妇焦虑评分分别为(59.58±3.12)分、(39.41±3.22)分。可知,干预后,观察组产妇焦虑评分明显更低,经统计学处理后与对照组之间P值<0.05,差异显著;观察组产妇自然分娩率97.75%,对照组为95.39%。可知,干预后,两组自然分娩率统计学结果P值<0.05,差异显著,观察组明显更高。结论 心理护理干预措施在胎膜早破产妇中的应用可取得较好效果,对产妇心理状态产生积极影响,有助于自然分娩,临床应用价值确切。
关键词: 胎膜早破;产妇;心理护理;焦虑评分;自然分娩;效果
Objective To explore the effect of psychological nursing intervention in the parturients with premature rupture of membranes. Methods 178 cases of premature rupture of membranes (PROM) in our hospital in recent 2 years (February 2020 to March 2022) were selected, and the clinical data were reviewed. The parturients receiving psychological nursing intervention mode were set as the observation group (89 cases), and the parturients receiving conventional nursing mode were set as the control group (89 cases). The effect of nursing intervention was observed. Results Before and after the intervention, the maternal anxiety scores of the observation group were (59.46 ± 3.14) and (25.14 ± 2.16) respectively, while those of the control group were (59.58 ± 3.12) and (39.41 ± 3.22) respectively. It can be seen that after intervention, the anxiety score of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group. After statistical treatment, the P value between the observation group and the control group was less than 0.05, with a significant difference; The natural delivery rate of the observation group was 97.75%, while that of the control group was 95.39%. It can be seen that after intervention, the statistical results of natural delivery rate in the two groups were P<0.05, with significant difference. The observation group was significantly higher. Conclusion The application of psychological nursing intervention measures in the parturients with premature rupture of membranes can achieve good results, have a positive impact on the psychological status of the parturients, contribute to natural delivery, and have definite clinical application value.
Key words: Premature rupture of membranes; Maternity; Psychological nursing; Anxiety score; Natural childbirth; effect
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