



Open Access Article

International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (4) ; 23-26 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.imrf.20220129.

Efficacy of metoprolol combined with irbesartan hydrochlorothiazidein the treatment of ICU severe heart failure

作者: 梁忱 *

秦皇岛市中医医院 河北秦皇岛

*通讯作者: 梁忱,单位:秦皇岛市中医医院 河北秦皇岛;

发布时间: 2022-09-14 总浏览量: 262


目的 分析探讨美托洛尔联合厄贝沙坦氢氯噻嗪治疗ICU重症心力衰竭的疗效。方法 选取我院2020年-2021年接收治疗ICU重症心力衰竭患者50例为观察对象,用数字随机抽取的方法分成两个组别(观察组,25个;对照组,25个),两个组的病患用不同的方法开始治疗,将两组患者治疗前后的心功能指标与治疗效果进行比较。结果 两组患者治疗后的心功能指标均比治疗前有改善,观察组的心功能指标要优于对照组,数据对比有统计学差异(P<0.05);观察组的病患治疗后的效果会比对照组的好,两组比较P<0.05;两组患者治疗后的各项实验室指标均低于治疗前,观察组患者治疗后的肌钙蛋白I(cTnⅠ)、血浆N末端B型利钠肽原(NT-pro BNP)均低于对照组,数据对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对于ICU重症心力衰竭患者采用美托洛尔联合厄贝沙坦氢氯噻嗪临床疗效明显,能够有效促进患者心功能恢复,进一步提高临床疗效,恢复患者身体指标,值得推广与应用于临床治疗中。

关键词: 美托洛尔;厄贝沙坦氢氯噻嗪;ICU重症;心力衰竭


Objective To analyze the efficacy of metoprolol combined with irbesartan hydrochlorothiazide in the treatment of severe heart failure in ICU.
Methods 50 patients with severe heart failure in ICU treated in our hospital from 2020 to 2021 were selected as the observation objects. They were randomly divided into two groups (observation group, 25; control group, 25). The patients in the two groups began treatment with different methods, and the cardiac function indexes and treatment effects of the two groups before and after treatment were compared.
Results the cardiac function indexes of the two groups after treatment were improved compared with those before treatment. The cardiac function indexes of the observation group were better than those of the control group, and the data were statistically different (P<0.05); The effect of patients in the observation group after treatment was better than that in the control group (P<0.05); All laboratory indexes of the two groups after treatment were lower than those before treatment. The troponin I (CTNⅠ) and plasma N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (NT Pro BNP) of the observation group after treatment were lower than those of the control group, and the data comparison difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion   the clinical efficacy of metoprolol combined with irbesartan hydrochlorothiazide in ICU patients with severe heart failure is obvious, which can effectively promote the recovery of patients' cardiac function, further improve the clinical efficacy, and restore patients' physical indicators, which is worthy of promotion and application in clinical treatment.

Key words: Metoprolol; Irbesartan hydrochlorothiazide; ICU severe; Heart failure

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